Friday, October 22, 2010

Finishing up our week

Happy Friday all!  It has been a fun APPLE week.  I never grow tired of apples.  Did you know that October is national Apple Month?  And that 25% of an apple's volume is air?  That is why it floats. 
And Greeks believed that the apple represented love and beauty.  In ancient Greece tossing an apple to a girl was a marriage proposal.  If she caught it the answer was yes!  And who can forget Johnny Appleseed!!
We have had applesauce, apple muffins, apple slices and last night caramel apples.

                                                                    My dinner!
 I wasn't even thinking when I made them that Ryan's other front tooth is days away from falling out. 
So I had to cut his apple up.  And Matthew....well he just ate the caramel off the apple.  Boy did he miss out!  Apple and caramel together is so yummy!
We were going to have apple cider, but will hold off for a cool evening.  Today the boys will make apple trees tracing their arm and hand.  And then paint it.  We'll finish up our "A"/apple lessons by reading lots of books we have about apples.  I have enjoyed our apple lessons and going over the fruits of the spirit. 

Later this afternoon the guys will drop me off at church to hitch a ride to the Ladies Retreat.  I am so excited about my night with good friends and sisters in Christ.  I look forward to the fellowship and the teaching of God's word. 
Meanwhile all my guys will have a "boys' night" here at home.  Watching Star Wars(we have hit that phase), listening to the Rangers game and doing what Fathers and sons do.....hang out and have FUN being BOYS!

Enjoy your Friday and do something FUN this weekend!


Blissful & Domestic said...

Those look so yummy! Now I am craving caramel apples. Good thing I am going to the store today:>

Abbi said...

Oh a carmel apples sounds very good!