Friday, October 8, 2010

Haven-Day 4

Day 4 was not me spending the day making my home a haven, but we were all happy anyway.
We already had plans to attend the Fall Homeschool Day at the Fort Worth Zoo.  I must say this was the longest time I have ever been at the zoo with the boys.  We arrived and stood in line to get our tickets at will call.  The boys were so excited and could not wait to get in.  These were just what they had been waiting to get their little hands on.

I think this is also the first time we have saw every animal.......well at least the boys think so.  We only missed one section....I didn't have the energy to tell them.  Here are a few pictures from yesterday at the zoo.  There were a few animals that they HAD to see.  Elephants were the first on the list.  They love the elephants!
Stopping to take a picture with Momma was a must!

And this is the other animal they were bugging me to see.  The KING of the Jungle!

The Museum Of Living Art is fairly new to the Fort Worth Zoo.  And it is AMAZING!

These are the doors leading into MOLA-I did not remember these handles, but Matthew did and told me all about them on our way to the zoo.

After the MOLA we hitched a ride on the train to Texas Wild.  This is clear on the other end of the zoo.  Thank you God for the Yellow Rose Express train!  Once we arrived the boys had to ride the Country Carousel.  They were the only two on the carousel.

After walking ALL through Texas Wild we stopped for ice cream on the way back.  I was beat!!! 
My haven sure did sound nice and I couldn't wait to get there. 
 Of course we never leave the zoo without something to remember our day. 
This was their choice yesterday.  You can tell who likes to play with vehicles more.
Who looks more excited?

Ryan was SO excited about this zoo truck!  Matthew just wanted it because it doesn't have any trucks with trailers and brother has lots! It's a boy thing.  Our day was DONE!  It was a good zoo day, but I don't care to go back for awhile.  We finally made it back our haven.  The boys were excited to tell Brant all about their day.  I quickly made made way to the couch as the boys played.  My haven provided a soft, peaceful place for me to take a good hour nap.  As I got up the boys were getting sleepy and did indeed take a nap.  I found Ryan asleep on the pillow or blanket.  As if he just decided to fall to the floor and sleep.  I left him there.  And then I found Matthew in his bed all nice and warm.  Needless to say they did not go to bed until after 9PM last night.

Today will be hard to make my home haven.  We have a busy day.  Friday errands to run and then off to Scottish Rite to see about an adjustment for Ryan's brace(see post from yesterday). I am dreading the drive, but this must be taken care of.....especially since it is the weekend.  He did alright last night at bedtime, but did ask if he could sleep without it.  I told him no,but he did not throw a fit.  I pray something can be done to make it more comfortable.

I have so enjoyed this week of "making my home a haven"! 
Thank you Monica for hosting this on your blog!!!
It has made me think about what I truly want my home to feel like.  A haven. 

How did your week go with "making your home a haven"?


Anonymous said...

Oh gosh...the it and hate it at the same time! I shouldn't complain about all the exercise I get while there, but at this point in my life it still involves strollers and well, you know...challenges!

My heart breaks for Ryan each time I read about your bedtime dilemma. I agree with Clorissa, you do such a wonderful job handling a tough situation with grace. He obviously responds well to you as he didn't pitch a fit.

I bet your haven was calling home to you after that tiring day...and again after your trip to see the specialist for the brace adjustment.

BTW...Mary Catherine is doing great with regards to her hip dysplasia. Her first year of life we saw the doctor every 3 months after her initial confinement. Then we went to yearly appointments until age 5. They have since released us to every other year until age nine (so not again until ages 7 and 9) and then I think we skip to age 14; that is as long as her leg lengths, hips, spine etc. remain straight and stable. (I have to say that I hate how many x-rays they took of her pelvis her first year of life...little paranoid about her ovaries...hahaha!)

Take care,

Blissful & Domestic said...


That seriously sounds like such a fun day, but I can only imagine how exhausting. When we lived in Washington there was a big zoo and I remember after going I would just want to take a nice long nap. It really is work to have that much fun. I don't know how kids do it everyday. I love your Home-school Moms rock shirt. That is so awesome. Have you been homeschooling long? Thank you for your comments on my blog, especially the one about cable TV and your kids. Sometimes people think we are weird we don't have cable. They just can't imagine what we do without it. It isn't like we don't like movies, but geeze people really look at me like my face is blue when I tell them. Anyways I have enjoyed reading all your Haven posts. I'm glad Monica did the Haven posts this week. I have met so many new friends. Have a wonderful weekend :>


Clorissa said...

I loved your day at the zoo. Your boys are gorgeous, so are you! I LOVE your t-shirt. I need to have one!:)

I have enjoyed reading about your haven and I am a little sad that the party ends today...I plan on visiting you often!

Btw- I said a little prayer for you and Ryan this evening...prayed that his brace adjustment went well and that he goes to bed with no tears. No tears for him or you.


Anonymous said...

Tasha ~ sounds like we both spent day 4 in the same way ~ on trips, visiting animals, away from home ♥ looks like you and the boys had a fabulous time! So did we. I haven't had a chance to post about it just yet, but I will. There was a lot of catching up to do today. Thanks for you bright happy smile and encouraging words ♥ this has been a wonderful week. Have a restful weekend in your HaVeN ~ Kelsey

Meagan Dennison said...

Sounds like a fun day!

We LOVE going to the zoo. With this nice weather, we'll probably go weekly since we have a membership. You don't like to go often? I love it because the boys can run around and look at everything, and because we have a membership we don't have to stay all day.