Sunday, October 10, 2010

This and that

As I am preparing for a new week I forgot I failed to give an update on Ryan.  We went on Friday for a brace adjustment.  His orthotist did adjustments in three areas of his brace.  I suppose it feels better to him.  No, I am sure it doesn't feel like your old favorite tshirt, but he is at least tolerating it and NOT throwing a fit.  I was able to talk to his orthotist about getting Ryan together with other boys close to his age in our area.  Not necessarily boys with Scoliosis either.  Just someone who deals with something like Ryan does.  Someone he can relate to.  She is going to see what they can do.  And she told me, just as his doctor has said, it only gets harder as they get older.  I really did not want to hear that!!!  But I did and it is what it is.  We can handle this.  I know we can because we have a strong belief in Jesus Christ. 
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28

Thank you for all the comments and prayers about Ryan.  It touched my heart and I felt those prayers.
Now lets switch gears to something more fun!  I had several people curious about my "Homeschool Moms Rock" shirt I had when we went to the zoo on Thursday.  So I thought I would give this company a plug.
I ordered it from Homeschool Boutique.  They have some really cute/trendy shirts for the whole "homeschooling" family!  The boys had a "Future Homeschoolers" shirt I ordered from them last year.  Those shirts are now a night shirt.  
Check them out if you want unique homeschool apparel. 
I am anxious for the new week.  New lessons, Muffin Tin Monday(pumpkin theme!), Pumpkin Patch and more fun in the kitchen.  I hope to continue in my efforts of making my home a haven.  It really helped me last week to be aware of what I do each day to make my home pleasant.  Peaceful for my boys.  And most importantly a place they feel loved and long to be.  That can only happen by me waking up and starting my day with God.  I pray God speaks to me in the morning and guides my day.
Hope you enjoyed your weekend!  Now it is time for Monday!  Bring it on.

1 comment:

Blissful & Domestic said...

Muffin tin Monday sounds fun, but I am not sure if I know what it is. You should share. Oh and about your comment on my blog. I actually just posted a new servcie idea for kids. It is Cards for soldiers. I explain all about it on my blog. Also I thought of other things you could do. What about having your kids deliver homemade cards and treats to a retirement home, or veterans hospital. Maybe do a 12 days of Christmas for a needy family in your area or church (We did this last year and it was awesome). You could also call your local homeless shelter. You might be able to make sack lunches or even share a spiritual message with the men and women that visit there. Here are just of few of my ideas I have thought of and want to try out this upcoming season. Let me know if that helps :> Have a wonderful Monday:>