Thursday, October 14, 2010

Leaves....what a blessing!

Our lesson this week has been on the letter "L" and we are learning about LEAVES. Such a perfect time since the weather is amazing and we are outdoors so much.  I try to take the opportunity to teach at any given time.  Not just from 8AM-9AM.
I am loving homeschooling the boys.  And very pleased that I went with a biblical curriculum.  It means so much to us that we are able to give the boys a daily lesson and it include a lesson about God. 
And the lessons this week are truly a blessing!
The lone leaf in this picture was living on that plant.  But he decided it did not want to be a part of it anymore.  He wanted to do things "his" way.  He didn't want to listen to the plant and didn't think he needed the plant.  So he left the plant(I broke it off).  Now he is all alone and probably thirsty and hungry. 
We will watch this lone leaf slowly die this week. 
We are like the leaf when it comes to obeying God sometimes.  I know for me without a personal relationship with God I would be starving to death.   Just like that little leaf needs food and water, I need  Jesus in my life to live and grow.  The Bible, God's Word is like my food.  If I listen to His word and trust in God, I can be like the green leaves on the plant that will never wither and die.  We made the little sign you see on the Popsicle says, I will live and grow in Jesus.
We watered the plant this morning and talked about how thirsty that leaf must be. 
The boys so badly wanted to give it water, but I didn't let them.  I want them to see what happens to the leaf without living with the plant. 
It has been such a great lesson this week.  I don't think I will look at leaves the same way now.
Part of our lesson Tuesday was to collect leaves.

We collected 11 different types of leaves.  40 leaves all together.  We have done leaf rubbings(I found these FUN!), leaf pressings and today will do leaf outlines.  I am thanking God today for the lessons this week and what it is teaching my boys.  And ME too!  I will live and grow in Jesus!!

"But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.  He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.  It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.  It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."
Jeremiah 17:7-8

Note: I can not take credit for this amazing lesson.  It is a lesson that is part of the boys' curriculum.
My Father's World.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Tasha, you are awesome! Love the lesson, and the pictures! (I kinda needed to hear some of your words this week:)

Love you, friend.