Friday, October 15, 2010

Our gardens and Nature

We added two more raised beds to our gardens this year.  We have slowly been getting them ready for planting our Fall/Winter gardens. Yesterday was a work day.  Unfortunately I was not notified.  I had other plans in mind for the day like burning homemade sweet potatoes chips.  Or cleaning the house.
But Brant had other plans for me.  He and the boys went for a dirt run to fill the two new beds.  So much fun for the boys to do "boy/man" stuff.  I know Brant enjoys it, but they get so excited about going and doing with Daddy, it can be a little nerve wracking.  Anyway they made it back and no one was in trouble.
I love being outdoors with nature, but after my really bad day at the pumpkin patch I was a little hesitate to work outside.  I really had no choice in the matter so I gave in.
Our job(the boys too)was to pull weeds in the raised bed the boys played in over the Summer months.  It was badly taken over by weeds.  I love to have my hands in dirt.  To play around in the soil......something about it brings a calmness over me.  To feel the dirt under my nails, to smell the earth, see the little creatures crawling in all comforts me. When we are outside we are constantly looking for friends(insects)to observe.  Well God gave us a good one.
As we were pulling weeds we were blessed to see this wasp(I think)with its kill.
Once I saw this it was hard for me to work.  Not because I was afraid of him(the boys were!), but because I am in awe of nature.  I love to observe God's creatures.  I become a child and am so curious about what they do.  I stood watching this wasp trying to find a home with his grasshopper in tow.  He flew all around an empty bed looking for a good spot to land.  Once he landed he dropped the dead grasshopper and started digging a hole.  Back and forth he would go trying to decide if this was the best spot. 
Check out this video.

He finally flew away and it was back to work.  The new beds were now ready for the dirt.  Brant and the boys proceeded to haul it in. 

We'll need one more load of dirt and then we are ready to plant in three more beds.  Right now we have planted carrots, cucumbers, cabbage and radishes. 
In the new beds we will plant a variety of lettuces: Black Seeded Simpson, Tom Thumb and Oak Leaf.
Nothing like a salad fresh from your own garden. 
I'll keep you posted and update as it grows.  For now we will spend our Friday enjoying this spectacular weather that God has given us.  AND cleaning out the garage for a dreadful Garage Sale. 
Do something FUN this weekend and as the boys tell me, "Get out in nature and learn.....the more you learn, the more you GROW!" 
Hope you all have a good one!


Clorissa said...

Wow! Your beds are amazing! Someday I will have a garden...someday.

Cool little video. But all I kept thinking was "Poor little grasshopper". LOL!

I hope you have a peaceful weekend.


Anonymous said...

Grow beds are wonderful ♥ I have some that need filling with soil too! We took this year off of gardening due to not having a fence, having lots of deer, and being low on finances. Next year for sure tho- I have missed having my own veggies to pick when I want them:)
♥ Kelsey