With everything checked off my list I moved right on to the most important task......baking COOKIES! I am a glutton for punishment....here I am trying to totally avoid white sugar and flour and making Pumpkin Butterscotch Chip Cookies(easy recipe..will share later)for my boys. I figure it helps me make my will power even stronger. And don't worry I was the taste tester. Something I love to do to make my home a haven is baking, making goodies, cooking a big pot of something for my boys---all three of them! And I love it more during the Fall and Winter months.
So I am moving on to Day 2 of making my home a haven. I started out this morning reading Psalm 107 again. I don't know about you, but I like to read over a passage in the bible more than once. That second, maybe third, time around I usually find something I had missed. And that was the case this morning.
Psalm 107 talks about God's continued help for those not obeying his words. It made me stop to think of how many times I pray the same prayer, asking for forgiveness for the same things over and over again.
But He is always faithful and hears my cries. He is my peace and my calmness that I so longed for yesterday.
After reading other blogs that are "making their homes a haven" I decided to do a few things different today.
I need to clean house, Oh God hear my cries....I need help in this area!, but life still goes on. I can't let that weigh me down today. My goal today is to make our day as calm and peaceful as possible. I have heard it from more than one homeschooling Momma.......the mom's attitude sets the tone. That could be said for any stay at home mom though. So I am going to do my best to watch my words and tone today. I want a haven.
1.First thing I am changing is to sit down with the boys for breakfast.
**All three of us at the table together!**
2. School and start some laundry.
3. Dust, sweep, vaccum and wipe counter tops.
4. Take a 30 minute break to read with the boys.
5. Lunch
6. Surprise trip to the park!
7. Surprise snack...thanks to Monica...Apple Nachos!
(I'll share more tomorrow, but if you can't wait you can visit her blog to see this yummy treat.)
8. Back home to start dinner for my Honey.
It's amazing how much more of a positive attitude and outlook on my day I have when I open His word FIRST thing in the morning. And that can only do one thing.....make our day better and help me make my home a haven.
How will you make your home a haven today?
Loved your encouraging post, Tasha ♥ So nice you had a sit down breakfast with your boys. Enjoy your HaVeN today ~
Hi Tasha!
I love hearing your heart through these words! I know God does too!! :)
Wonderful, wise ideas for today including playing, surprises and being together!
Thanks so much for joining in - together we sharpen each other!
Blessings on the rest of your day,
5-year old twin boys...wow! What a blessing! God is so good. And someday, we are going to miss all the noise and commotion that our boys bring to our homes...it is a joyful noise for sure!
Instead of starting my morning with Psalm 107, I found myself rushing out the door to drop off my kindergartner and preschooler so that I could make it to my women's bible study on time. I shared with Monica that I wonder if God is weeping...shaking his head as he watches me race like a mad woman on Tuesday mornings with tiny infant in tow just to attend a bible study. While the fellowship with other moms is vital...sometimes I think I'm trying to do too much and reading Scripture at home, alone, might be time better served. *sigh*
I hope that breakfast went well today! It felt sort of "foreign" at first, but now is such a warm and comfortable feeling. BTW...my husband is often not home for breakfast...as a fire fighter he does shift work, and I was really allowing meal times to slide b/c "daddy wasn't home." I realized that it is up to me to create those rituals I deem important if I want my children to have happy memories of home!
Blessings to you from the Heartland,
Hello Tasha,
I loved reading your post for day 2. It is so nice to hear your thoughts on the scripture passage!
Your boys are so handsome. :)
God's Blessings to you and yours,
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