Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cookie Treasures

Treasures await inside this tin box.  Cookie treasures.  When we were home last week my mother gave me all her old cookie cutters.  I am not sure how old some of these are, but I am so excited to have them.
                                                              Take a look.
There is a cookie cutter for just about any holiday or occasion.  I can not wait to use them for sugar cookies this year for Christmas.  I just love the angel!!!

I am happy she came across these and offered them to us.  The boys will get to enjoy some of what I did as a child.  Since the boys were old enough to stand in a chair or on a step stool we have baked cookies.  I get frustrated and want to scream when I let them help, but baking with Momma is such a delight to them.
I usually calm myself down when I see how much they enjoy it.  And realize this too will pass.  It is all about making a memory for them.

Oh look at that gingerbread man cutter!  I can see those being used very soon.  December 1st is just days away and that means.....Let the baking begin!!!!!
We'll be baking up some cookie treasures.


Meagan Dennison said...

cute! but that Angel is going to be near-impossible not to break!! :-)

Tasha said...

Meagan, I thought about that too. Her head will be the first to go with the boys I am sure!