Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Jar Memories-Cookies

Tuesday night Matthew was the first to draw from The Christmas Jar
So last night we baked cookies and drank hot cocoa.  Since my mother had just given me all the cookie cutters this was the perfect time to use them.  I knew just what I wanted to bake......gingerbread men!  I went to the store, bought the ingredients I did not have, we all gathered around the island, I opened my cookbook......the boys were so excited.........turned to gingerbread cutout cookie recipe and discovered the dough had to chill for THREE HOURS!  Are you kidding me ?!?
This is the story of my life.  I rarely read a recipe all the way through before cooking.  And low and behold something like this happens.  Well the boys sure were not going to wait for three hours, plus it was already 6:30.  No big deal we will make sugar cookies.  I never make sugar cookies from scratch.  Something happens and it just doesn't work for me, but I was willing to try again.  Well turns out that dough has to chill for a few hours too.
So on to peanut butter cookies.  I had all the ingredients and these were easy.  DONE!

Rolling the dough.

They had fun rolling the dough into little balls and then rolling in sugar.  And I think they especially liked making a big mess.  They were so excited for COOKIES and hot chocolate. Finally the cookies were done and I got a thumb's up from both.

Before discovering what Daddy was doing outside we stopped to take a quick picture.  Me and my boys.
Like a flash they were off to see what Daddy was doing outside.  It must have slipped his mind that this was in our Christmas Jar.  It doesn't see the smile on the boys face was priceless.

It actually worked out well since the rest of our week/weekend will be busy.  We intend to only do two Christmas Jar memories a week so this was perfect!
It was a FUN day for all.  I look forward to next week to see what memories we will make from the jar.
Although the true meaning of Christmas for us is the birth of Jesus Christ, we love making FUN memories for the boys during December leading up to Christmas.  Oh to be a child again.

What memories do you have from your childhood around Christmas?


Anonymous said...

I love your idea of the Christmas Jar Memories ~ if I can pull it together I would love to try this. I was thinking maybe for week before Christmas when all my kids will be HoMe. A very FUN way to make memories... also, you don;t have to chill the dough for sugar cookies and gingerbread men:) The reason for chilling is just to make the dough easier to handle, but I prefer to do it without. I never have time to fuss with chilling:) Hope you are having a wonderful week! Kelsey

Tasha said...

Thanks Kelsey! We are really having fun with The Christmas Jar. Very simple things, but FUN memories for the boys to remember around the amazing season.
Thanks for the tip about the dough. I had wondered if I could just go ahead and try it without chilling it.
Hope you try The Christmas Jar! Let me know if you do.