Sunday, November 21, 2010

Looking forward to Thanksgiving week

It will be a full week of many places to go, people to see and lots of love to share.  Oh and HUGS!!!!  Don't you just love a big hearty hug?!  There is nothing better than two loving arms wrapped around your body.
As I prepared and packed yesterday for our Thanksgiving Tour and the week to come I started thinking of some things I am looking forward to.   
-spending time with family
-the boys being able to see their great-grandmothers(one on each side)and grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins(not all, but some)
-my Mother's cornbread dressing
-my niece teaching me to KNIT!  YES, I am going to learn to knit!
-spending time in a car for 5-6 hours with my family of five(Arthur will be traveling on drugs)
-a change in our everyday
-drinking coffee with my parents at 5AM
-the smell on Thanksgiving morning in the kitchen where I grew up
-the welcomed smiles and hugs from family
-the laughter we will all share
-the blessing of being together

Oh and so much more.  I will be MIA for a while unless I just have free time to blog, but I wanted to make sure to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.  We all have so many things to be thankful for.
I encourage you to take some time this weekend or coming week to sit and really think about your life.  What are you thankful for?
I took some time this morning to think about what God has given me.
My life is full and I am truly bless beyond measure with the abundance of blessings in my life. 

From our little family to yours I hope and pray you have a wonderful week and your Thanksgiving day is full of many blessings.

I leave you with a few(JUST a few!)of my favorites from our Fall season.  I leave you with this because when Thanksgiving is over I am all about Christmas!  Enjoy!

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Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving ♥ I hope you have a wonderful time with your family. You will be missed here in blog world... stay safe:)
Hugs, Kelsey

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Tasha!

Love, Heidi, Nick and Bex