Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving week-Day 1

Today me and the boys made a special trip to see my mom at work.  My mother is the Executive Director of a non-profit organization that helps those in need.  They help with rent, utilities, food and clothing.  Today the boys did a little volunteer work at Orange Christian Services.
Here they are watching Mr. Jack show them how to help him make boxes.

      And here they are getting the boxes ready for Mr. Jack to tape up. 
I took these two pictures and then left them alone to work.  They helped the adult volunteers in the pantry for about 30 minutes.  They helped with taping the boxes, sorted can goods and  moved empty boxes back to the "BIG" truck for the next food supply. They were more than willing to help.   I was pleased.  It was a good experience for them.  I am so happy we were there today.  The boys enjoyed there volunteer work and realized it was a service to help others in need. 

There seems to be a trend starting around Thanksgiving.  The purchase of BOOTS!  Last year at Thanksgiving my parents bought the boys their first real cowboy boots.  And today Grams and Pop did it again.  The boys taste is becoming so different.  Matthew would have gone with whatever and Ryan had a strong opinion of what he wanted.  We finally had boots and all we needed now was to break them in.
Luckily my mom has a good friend with land and animals.  Right up the boys alley!  They were loving it!
And it had me dreaming even more of wanting land of our own.  The open space, animals to care for, seeing the boys roam and play.  Oh it was so inviting!!  Our dream.
Anyway, the boys fed Holly the horse, fed the goats, chased the chickens, gathered eggs, chased a cat, played with a dog and rode a 4wheeler.  They had a BALL!!! 

 I am thankful for the many blessings of this day. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tasha ~ What a wonderful day! Your boys look like real country boys in their boots. I hope your dream for land of your own comes true! Keep praying!! It is such a great blessing to live out with places to roam:)
♥ Kelsey