Monday, November 15, 2010

My unplanned Monday

I do not like surprises and like to plan everything I do.  I usually have a schedule set in place with a list to check off throughout the day.
For a week now I have been feeling bad.  Cold, allergies, drainage(just sounds gross), headache, headache, headache.  And did I say headache?  Headaches are the story of my life.  After a while you learn to live with them.
Anyway this morning I couldn't take it anymore.  I had to go to the doctor.  And especially after my loving husband said I looked bad.  So I called and they were able to take me right then and there.  We are blessed to live within five minutes of our doctor so I was out the door.  Turns out it is a sinus infection.  I got my antibiotics and will hopefully be feeling better by the end of the week. 
This Monday was not what I had planned!
I got up this morning ready to start a new week of school and head to Bible study.  For school this week we are working on the letter "D" and dinosaurs!
I had the table all ready for school last night so when the boys got up they were very excited to start our school day.  I gathered all our dino books and grabbed all the dinosaurs that I could find.

Theme for the week: Big and small, God made them all.
 Once I talked to the doctor's office I had to break the news to them that I was off to the doctor and we would do school when I returned.
Well it didn't exactly work out that way.  After sitting in the doctor's office all alone, not being bothered by anyone for about 45 minutes, my body started telling me how bad it truly felt.  As a mom, if you are a mom reading this, you know we just don't stop.  But my body had stopped and I was really feeling bad now. 
By the time I left the doctor's office I had only one thing on my mind.  SLEEP! 
I did sleep, but not until I went to the grocery store(my usual Monday chore), picked up my meds and did some laundry.  Now it was really setting in.  And now the boys were ready for school. 
I couldn't do it.  I felt bad. I thought about trying to push through it, but WHY?  We are homeschooling and that is the beauty of it.  Things can change.  And we can make it up tomorrow.  So that is what I decided.
Brant was off today so I was able to totally block everything out and try to sleep.
I finally took my favorite spot on the couch and took a good hour and half nap.  It was so nice.
So now I will try to get a good night's rest and be up bright and early tomorrow to start our Tuesday with dinosaurs. 
I have a plan set in place and hope we can stick to it.  


Anonymous said...

I too woke up with a headache and sinus cold yesterday...Grrr. Definitely not on my list either. I hope today finds you on the mend ~ Kelsey

dew said...

Feel better soon! So GLAD you could take time to rest! Even if it wasn't on your To Do List. :o) BTW, I love your dino table.