Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Week-Day 2

Today we spent the day at Brant's twin brother's home.  It was another fun day for the boys out in the country.  Animals(dogs, cats and chickens)to chase, room to roam, tractors to ride and lots more!  The boys continued to break in their new boots and get them plenty dirty today.  But it was all worth it to me to see them have so much fun. 
It was a good time for us all.  My niece started showing me how to knit and hopefully by the end of the week I will have it down.  I will first make some cotton rags.  After I am confident with making those I'll move on.
Brant enjoyed being around his brother and doing guy stuff like cutting down trees and burning brush.
We ended the day with a wiener roast and smores'.  The boys talked the whole way back to my parent's home about how much fun they had today.  And how great the hot dogs tasted.
The hospitality was amazing.  Thank you Brent, Renee, Lindsey and Lauren for making us feel so welcomed!!!  It was a very enjoyable day. 

Watching Daddy and Uncle Brent cut down a tree.

Seeing double?  Brent(l) Brant(r)

1 comment:

Elizabeth-FlourishinProgress said...

Wow, sounds like a wonderful time with the family!

I've been trying to learn to knit for a long time, so hope you'll keep us updated with your creations!