Monday, December 6, 2010

About us

I am a child of God, happily married with children.  I am a true Texas girl.  Born and raised and still living in this great state!!! 
Momma to twin BOYS!  And a teacher to my sweet boys.
Daily I am blessed with three amazing guys in my life. I LOVE seeing God's work in our family. I am still waiting for Him to work on my desire to cook and clean. I am a morning person and love my afternoon or evening naps. I love being barefoot, but if I have to wear shoes, give me flip flops! I am a lover of pjs! I am always on time, if not early, and don't understand people being late. I don't think a meal is complete without a dessert. And our family has a serious problem with sweets. I am always trying to figure out what God is doing in my life. Daily I listen to hear him talk to me, watch for signs and watch for his little miracles all around me.
My blog is a never ending story of our family life, one day at a time.........
We are a family of four.  I am the only girl.  Even the dog is a male!  There is lots of  testosterone in this house.
But I love my life with three boys!  OK sometimes it drives me crazy, but a good crazy.
Ryan has Progressive Infantile Scoliosis and in some form it affects us daily.  You can read more about his condition under the "Infantile Scoliosis tab.  And feel free to email me if you have any questions.
We started homeschooling the boys in September 2010 and plan to homeschool all the way through high school.
We take each day one day at a time. We are busy most days and our life is full.  It gets hectic just like I know your life does too.  The only way we know to manage is to always keep God first in our life.  And laughter sure does help along the way.
Thanks for visiting and hope you come back often.

If you have questions or comments feel free to contact me. I would love to hear from you!

“The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.”
~Abraham Lincoln


Janet said...

Yes, it was me! (If you are talking about someone asking for your mailing address?)

Great picture of you and Brant. He reminds me of Richard! He looks like the sweetest man ever, and a great father and husband. And you are beautiful-no one would ever know you spend your days chasing twin 5 year olds!

Love you guys, you have such a beautiful family, and you have been a huge blessing to me.
Hope y'all have a wonder-filled CHRISTmas!

Tiffany Joan said...

Thanks for more Reformation ideas.
We have been celebrating this special day for several years now. It's fun seeing what other families do.