Friday, December 3, 2010

Simple Ornaments

For years I had always wanted a pre-lit Christmas tree. When we finally bought this monster tree a couple of years ago I had no idea the amount of ornaments I would need.  It has 1500 tips so there is a never ending spot to decorate.  I knew I could not afford to go buy all new ornaments.  I shopped dollar stores and then searched online for homemade ornaments.  I wanted simple because although I love to always have a craft going on, I am not one to go all out on some things. 

Here are some of my simple ornaments:
These stars I printed out on a heavy paper and then added ribbon.  You can't get much easier than this.
Music note stars
Another idea I found online for ornaments was using old Christmas cards.  I had been saving Christmas cards for a few years not knowing what I would use them for.  This was perfect! 
I cut out pictures or wording/Bible verses that I really liked from old Christmas cards and added a ribbon.

Recycled Christmas cards

The stars and Christmas card ornaments were made that first year.  I still needed many more ornaments, but am so cheap frugal that I made do that first year.  After Christmas I looked for things on sale and shopped  dollar stores for low priced ornaments.  I found a box of gift tags one year and thought they would add a little whimsy to our tree.  The boys love them!  There is Santa and Frosty.

Gift tag ornament

During this time the boys were getting old enough to really want to help.  I tried to fight it that first year, but to no avail they did decorate.  I found these little ornaments at Dollar General.  These are for the boys each year to help decorate the tree.  They enjoy being able to decorate anywhere they can reach.

Kid-friendly ornaments

My recent count of ornaments is around 370 plus many other pretty, sparkly things that hang on my Christmas tree. 
I have never paid much for ornaments and have even ask for some as a Christmas gift.  ((HINT-HINT))
In this instant gratification world it was hard to make do with what I had that first year.  But I settled for my homemade ornaments.  But you know what?  They are some of my favorites.  As well as some the boys have made. 
Simple is good.  As each year passes I see myself growing more and more simple.  And I like it!
My tree is pretty full this only took me 2 hours to decorate it(OK, I know that is not simple!), but I enjoyed every minute of it.  The boys helped for a while. I let them hang anything they wanted this year.
Their kid-friendly ornaments were not enough.  They wanted to do more.  As I watched them hang ornaments I wanted so badly to tell them where to hang them, but I stood back and let them be.  I thought about moving some, but decided to leave them right where they had hung each and every one.  Allowing them the freedom to help makes it FUN for them too.  And I love looking now at where they put each ornament.
I want to add a few more simple ornaments to our tree.  I need fresh ideas. 
What simple ornaments have you made?  Will you share them with me? 
Leave me a comment or send me an email.  I would love a project.
**Key word here is SIMPLE!**


Anonymous said...

Lol, Tasha! I think you must've been channeling me on the help with decorating the tree! But I found, as you did, that I love the result. I smile every time I look at our tree. T got so into decorating the tree that the next day, he was inspired to make pipe cleaner ornaments. They look like giant spindly molecular models all over the lower section! Love your ornaments.

Tasha said...

I just have that in me to channel :)
Pipe cleaners are on my list! The boys plan to make candy cane ornaments.
Is that you Denise?
Happy December!

dew said...

Yep, that was me, but I couldn't get my phone to log into google for blogger. I'm just too old fashioned and need a keyboard to type, I guess. :o) Happy December to you, too!