Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sick school day

Sickness is slowly bringing us all down.  As of right now Brant is the only man standing.  Thank God! 
Meanwhile life goes on and because we are not puking our guts up school must go on.  Awww the beauty of homeschooling.  So when the teacher and the students are sick we take our lemons and make lemonade.
We cuddle, we read, we sniff and blow, we rest and takes naps, we drink plenty of fluids and eat lots of loaded oatmeal cookies and we COLOR!


Anonymous said...

I can relate to sick days;)♥ Sounds like you are making the best of it tho! Cookies sound so YuMmY. I need to make some today myself. Get better soon ♥ Kelsey

Lindsey said...

Hope you all feel better soon.

Blissful & Domestic said...

Seriously Keagan is just getting over a cold too. When I told him Sunday night we would still have school the next day he was in shock. I told him it was the beauty of home school. I will have to let him know I am not the only home schooling Mom that makes my kids still do school when they have a cold. I so enjoy your blog and all your posts. It is so nice reading about another Moms adventures in home schooling and realizing I am absolutely not alone.

Oh and one more note...I am so doing the muffin tin thing on Monday. What a fun way to start off the school week :>


Hope you are feeling better:>