Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day

It is currently 20 degrees and the windy is howling!  I woke up around 4AM to sleet, thunder and wind.  The boys woke up around 4:20 and we were ALL up by 4:30.  Thankfully last night I prepared the coffee pot for this morning.  Something told me I would be up early! 

Here in Texas when it snows the whole city shuts down.  Schools are out of course.  Although that does not apply to us,  I am calling it a snow day.  NO SCHOOL! We did however do our "What's The Weather Like Today?" chart.  And for the first time the boys got to add SNOWY!!!!  They were excited!

The snow has stopped, but there is enough on the ground to play in!!!  Just enough for the boys to have fun. Despite the wind I am sure they will give it a try later.  So while the boys are outside in this...........

                                                    I will be inside enjoying this.............................

                         I hope you are warm today and having FUN!  Inside or out!  Enjoy your Tuesday!

1 comment:

Renee, Lindsey, and Lauren Fontenot said...

We were hoping you would post about the snow. It is beautiful! We may get snow Friday night. Your hearth looks welcoming.