Thursday, March 17, 2011

Insect week

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

We are not doing much in the way of celebrating St. Patrick's Day today. For no other reason then we have a full day planned to get all our Spring gardens planted.  We are pretty sure the risk of frost is over.  It must be done.  And since Brant is off we are taking full advantage of this day.
Maybe after a long day of working outdoors I will treat myself to an Irish beer. 

What a FUN week this has been!  We will finish up our insect week tomorrow and be outdoors most of the day.  My allergies are excited!!!! On Friday we will be looking for any insect to observe.
Today we will look for bees to observe while we are outdoors getting our Spring gardens ready. 

Here is a breakdown of our week:
Monday-Intro to Insect week.
Tuesday-we learned all about ANTS, observed our Ant Farm and started on The Wiggly World of Bugs.
The Wiggly World Of Bugs
The Wiggly World Of Bugs is from a friend's blog. She is also a homeschooling Momma.  She has recently started designing educational printables. They are on her blog to print and use for FREE!
The Wiggly World Of Bugs was full of great info about insects. Went along perfect with all Insect week!
The boys LOVED it!!! 
Check out Morgana's blog  for her homeschooling printables!!
Wednesday-we learned all about ladybugs, read The Grouchy Ladybug and headed to the park/nature trail to look for ladybugs.......did not find a one, but did enjoy NATURE!

Cute book, grouchy bug!
The nature walk was delightful!  Although we did not see any ladybugs we did see plenty of other amazing creatures.  I'll save that post for next week.  For now I am off to start on our SPRING gardens, look for bees or any other kind of creepy, crawling, wiggly BUG!!
Off subject of insects.......if you missed my post last night make sure to check it out.
Ryan rides with NO training wheels!!
Check it out!

1 comment:

Morgana @ SeeMorganaBlog said...

Awww... Thanks for the shout-out. I had a lot of fun making that booklet. : )
I'm glad your boys enjoyed it.