Friday, March 18, 2011

Sugar Cereal Friday/100

Is this not the best thing in the world or am I CRAZY?!  OK maybe a little of both! 

Since we have been trying to cut out all processed foods I was a little hesitant at first about this, but I thought the boys were old enough to get it.  And for crying out loud the poor boys are missing out on some good eating!
When I told them what I was thinking excitement filled the air!! I made it clear it would only be for breakfast on Fridays.  Hard thing for them was we grocery shop on Mondays and they had to pick something out then.  It was hidden away during the week, they never found it and eventually(by Wednesday)forgot all about it.

This morning is a special day not just because of the sugar cereal, but it is also a celebration of counting to 100!!! 

Since we started school each morning we put one straw into a jar.  Once we get ten straws we put a rubber band around those straws and put them into a box.  And then start all over again in the jar.  Each day the boys write a number.

Picture taken before they wrote 100
Today we finally made it to 100!!!!!  Now remember we have taken LOTS of holidays, free days, sick days and just because days so that is why we are just now reaching 100!!!! 
In honor of 100 I have counted out 100 squares(why yes I did count out 100 squares of cereal!)of Cinnamon Toast Crunch!  Enjoy boys! 

Ryan prefers it dry with Strawberry milk.

So now on Fridays they will get to be a normal kid and have sugar cereal.  Now that is what I call a great start to the weekend!
Enjoy your weekend and do something FUN!

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