Monday, March 14, 2011


Can you imagine if insects were this big?!
We have an invasion of INSECTS this week!!!! We are starting on the letter "I" and learning all about insects.  This is sure to be a fun week full of lots of creepy insects!

I pulled out all the boys' insects and have them all over the dining room.  I found all our insects type books and have those ready to use. I found stickers too!

And over the weekend the boys were busy capturing rolly pollies and other insects. I especially loved how when they found a rolly polly they would come and let me know all about it.  At one point Ryan came and told me they were having school outside.  They were coutning the legs and "investigating" the rolly polly.  LOVE...LOVE...LOVE this about my boys!!! 
Learning is just not sitting in a classroom Monday-Friday. As they were learning about the rolly pollies Matthew was so anxious to draw a picture.  My little artist.  He loves to draw everything!

This picture will go in his nature journal.

For our lessons this week we will observe ants(got the ant farm on Friday if you missed my post), ladybugs, bees and then any other kind of insects. 

A trip to the park and nature trail is a must this week!  I have no choice in this invasion!  I'll update later in the week.


Meagan Dennison said...

looks fun! my boys were also collecting rolly polly's this weekend. What is so intriguing about those things?

Janet said...

LOL! I love this post! Total boys! Do y'all have "doodle bugs" out there? We used to find their little holes, spit on a piece of grass and then stick it down the hole, hoping one would latch on:)

Tasha said...

I think "doodle bugs" are rolly pollies. I remember calling them doodle bugs as a young girl. And for some reason we call them rolly pollies now. I am pretty sure they are the same.
I'll have to tell the boys to look for their holes. They will be all over that!