Monday, March 28, 2011

Just need some time.....

Some time to think, to remember or simply sit and stare into space. 

My grandmother, Mama Flo, is very ill.  The boys and me made a quick trip back home with my sister over this past weekend to see her.  I am so happy we did!

But now my heart is heavy.

Today was a cloudy day and that did not help.  I have been in a funk off and on all day.  Weather does that to me. 

Tomorrow is a new day, but for now I just need some time.............away from blogging.  A week just to my family. 

Lord willing I'll be back next week!

1 comment:

Blissful & Domestic said...

I will miss your blog this week. I always love your posts. Always so inspiring. I pray that your heart will mend over the week and we will keep you and your grandmother in our prays. I know the Lord will bless you and he loves you. He knows your heart and he will uplift you :>