Friday, March 25, 2011

Nature walk

Yesterday was our Nature Walk day. We headed down to the park/nature trail looking for tadpoles since we have been learning about frogs this week.  We saw plenty of tadpoles, but no frogs.

While there we ran into a very interesting woman who cleans the park.  She is also a lover of nature to say the least. She seemed quite innocent, but I was thinking this would be "our" nature walk.  I tried to get away from her, but she continued to walk along side us as we made our way around the path.  Even when the boys stopped to look at something she stopped to tell us all about that area.

She has lived around the area for 16 years and remembers when it was heavily wooded with lots of wildlife.  She has seen her share of changes in this big park area.  She shared with me about fighting the HOA on many of the changes, but as usually they win and our wildlife has to find a new home.

After walking with her for a while I decided she just may be able to "show and tell" us much more than we would ever see out on "our" nature walk.  I learned where the bobcat hangs out.  And I now know where a giant tarantula lives and likes to cross the path.  I found out we have an eagle that lives in our area.  And she solved the mystery for me of a bird I saw last week on our walk.

Needless to say today's nature walk was a real treat!

Here is a picture I took last week of a BIG nest right off the path by a picnic table.  I stood around the area for about 15-20 minutes trying to figure out what kind of bird was in this nest.  Last week the tree was just starting to bud out.
 And here is the same nest and mystery solved!!!  Thanks to my new friend, JT.  Check this out!!!!!!!

Horned Ear Owl or Great Horned Owl

JT told me all about "Mackenzie" the owl(she has names for all the animals in this area).  I kinda hope we run into her again next week!  I almost ask her if she would meet us there. 

Also along on the walk with our new friend we came across this bright yellow bird.  I have never seen a bird this yellow out in nature.  If you know what it is please let me know.  I "think" it might be a Yellow Warbler.  JT was not sure, but said some sort of wild parakeet.

This little fellow flew right up to us.  Maybe it is a pet that got away?  He did not seem phased by us getting pretty close to get a picture. 

He flew by us and made his way to some twigs on the ground.  Maybe to build a nest???

I am so glad we made the time to go on our walk today.  What an amazing gift to see these two birds out in nature.  And not very far from our home.  I plan to visit Mackenzie again next week.  And maybe I will see Sunshine(JT named her while we were standing there with her today)too!

As we start our weekend today I hope to see many more amazing creatures out in nature.

Have a great weekend and do something FUN!!!!! 

1 comment:

Heidi Ferrer said...

Great owl! Made me smile :-)