Monday, March 21, 2011

Signs of Spring

During last week's insect lessons we made our way to the park/nature trail.  We were going to look for ladybugs, but had no luck.  We did run into some grasshoppers though.  And many other amazing creatures!

The nature walk was delightful!  I could have walked the trails slowly and quietly for much longer, but I had two little boys that were eager to make it to the park area. I loved looking around seeing signs of spring. And watching the boys be curious about paths off the path we were going.  They were quite interested in where these little paths would take them.  Cautiously they would enter the trees and quickly come back out.  We stopped to look at "waterfalls" as they like to call them, but they are really just streams of water. We stopped to see turtles, to blow dandelions, to look at nature-to observe all around us.  All the while we were looking for signs of Spring!

Spring is near!

As I walked down the trail I saw a Robin.....a big Robin. He was way too fast to did get a good shot, but I continued to follow him. As I got closer he flew to a tree where I turned to look and there were literally eight Robins in one tree. I quickly and quietly called the boys to see this amazing site! We I stood in awe of the beauty and tried once again to get a decent picture. My poor little camera just could not get them all. It will just be one of those memories shared by the boys and me.  Sometimes those are the best because then you relive them all over in your head.

We finally made our way all around and headed to the park.  The boys were thrilled to have a new place to play.  It was a sunny day, windy enough to take my hat off and I must say,  "Down right spectular!"
I could feel Spring in the air!  I could little signs all around me.  It is close!

After begging the boys to leave we arrived home to do our first real nature journal entry.  I have been wanting to start this for over a year, but until recently Ryan has shown no interest in drawing.  Matthew has always loved to draw and does it very well.  I picked the right time to start it because most of what will go in their nature journal is what they draw.

When thinking of their journal I wanted this really nice spiral book with great pencils and a carrying bag for it all to fit in.  Who am I kidding?!  They were done with this is less than 10 minutes.  Don't get me wrong they were excited to document what they had observed, but I am glad I went the simple, frugal way on this one.
Check it out:

Cost? Nothing! We already had everything!

Dividers with their name to store their work

Page 1 of Signs of Spring

Page 2-these pages will change with the seasons.

I plan to have a nature walk once a week followed by sitting down together and working on their nature journal.  My hope is they will enjoy it so much that it will become second nature to them. I pray they grow to have a love for thinking back to their time on our walks.  Or even just in our backyard or neighborhood.
And once they ask for their own journal I will buy it ASAP.

As we walked I made a special effort to point out signs of Spring to them.

I made them stop to look and realize the beauty right in front of slow down, take it all in and observe. 

No matter what the season is I want them to grow up knowing the gift from God we have in nature.

And to document it as we go.

1 comment:

Heidi Ferrer said...

Such sweet pictures of your boys!
