Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thankful Thursday-Happy Birthday Mama Flo!

Today my grandmother, Mama Flo, turns 92!!!!!!!  I am so very thankful to God that she is my grandmother.  Thankful for all the wonderful memories I have of her.  And thankful God has blessed her with another day! 

She is still in the hospital, but recovering. 

Today we will celebrate her birthday six hours away.  We will sing "Happy Birthday" to her via the phone.  She always calls and sings to us on our birthdays so it is a big deal to be able to do the same to her.

We will also have Coke in the old fashion glass bottles because Mama Flo always had these when I was young.  And for something sweet.......Keebler chocolate chip cookies.  She always had a stash of these too!

Here I am with Mama Flo two years ago celebrating her 90th bday!
Happy Birthday Mama Flo!!!!  We love you!

1 comment:

Janet said...

Happy Birthday to your grandmother! I hope she recovers very soon! I sent you an email a few days ago, but think I sent it to your old email address?