Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thankful Thursday

This is the newest bed Brant built for our backyard. Lima beans, green peas and cucumbers are sprouting out right now in that bed. Our once blank brick wall will be taken over(we pray)with these veggies.

I have said it once before, but one of my favorite things about having a garden(flower or food producing)is going out every morning to see what has started growing.  I LOVE it!!!  And get down right giddy about each new little bit of growth.  I pray my excitement for God's creation rubs off on the boys.

 On this Thursday I am thankful for the knowledge God has given us to plant gardens.  I am thankful for the food it will produce.  And most importantly I am thankful for what it is teaching our boys. 

What are you thankful for today?

1 comment:

dew said...

Oh, you are going to LOVE those fresh lima beans!! One of my favorite reasons for gardening.