Monday, April 11, 2011

6 years old!!!!

My 6 year old Clone Troopers!

Six years ago today I gave birth to twin boys.  While laying in bed on bedrest for three month(1 at home and 2 in the hospital)I thought a lot about what my life would be like with twin BOYS!
Busy, fun, crazy, hectic, long days, less sleep, lots of laundry, less money, more laundry, more food, lots of dirt, lots of hugs, mega kisses, lots of tears, fighting, busy, FUN, love and many blessings!  And I am loving every minute of it.
Nothing can compare to the joy I have right now in my life.  These sweet boys have totally changed my life.... changed me.
And I thank God for it!  

Today we will pay special notice to this BIG day, but over the weekend we had their party. 
A Star Wars party!!!  Star Wars is such a big thing right now is our lives.  It just seems so big boyish!  Nothing baby about it.

The boys wanted to do three things besides the putt-putt, ride go-carts and eat pizza.  So on Saturday off we went to start the birthday fun.

The boys had played putt-putt before, but had never driven go carts.  It was only the boys and one other little boy on the track.  This little fellow was an expert driver and was ready to GO!  And as soon as he had the chance he was bumping Ryan and Matthew to get out of his way.  They were totally MAD about this little boy not driving friendly.  As we stood back watching all we could do is laugh.  The looks the boys gave him were priceless.  They had fun though and we moved on to putt-putt.
About to take off......

I love you Mom...I'll be safe!
Is this over yet?

Looking for that crazy kid driver.

After cars and golf we stopped for pizza.  What kid does not like pizza?  And if your child does not like pizza please let me know. 

Pizza is always a hit with my boys.  And on Saturday they tried(and me!)"Macaroni and Cheese pizza"  I had never heard of such a thing.  A slice of bread with pasta and ooey gooey cheese.  YUM!  I was surprised, but it was pretty good. 

Next up was a small family party.  Not all our family was able to come and they were dearly missed!
I kept it simple this year. Since we did so much prior to the party.  And my boys were so happy with the little bit I did.  Matthew thanked me so many times for all the Star Wars decorations.  Ryan, he just agreed with his brother, but was perfectly content with what I had done.
I am so glad my boys are simple.  As I decorated the dining room with streamers they got so excited.  Over streamers!  BTW....all the streamers are still up.

The party.........presents, cake, cupcakes, waffle bowl sundaes with Jedi Power Syrup(among many other toppings)and Yoda punch!  Now that is an overload of SUGAR!  And not the raw sugar either!!!!

A 6 year old's sundae

Happy Birthday was sung and we all enjoyed our SUGAR!

Ryan is covering his ears because he does not like people to sing.

Today the boys get one more wish granted for their birthday.......a snow cone!!! 
Happy Birthday to my simple and sweet boys!


Heidi Ferrer said...

Happy Birthday to your two Big Boys! 6!!! Wow.

xoxo- Heidi

Blissful & Domestic said...

Happy birthday to your boys as well! There party looks like ti was so much fun and man those ice cream bowls look yummy! Oh and about your comment, I am not sure why my blog updates aren't showing up. Another friend told me that as well. I will have to look into that. Thanks for letting me know:>