Monday, May 16, 2011

Count Down Time!!!!

Today starts our last week of Kindergarten!!!! WooHoo!!!!  I can not believe the fun we have had, the lessons we have learned and the challenges we have faced! 

It has opened my eyes to so much.  So much about the boys and the big differences in the two of their learning and in their personalities.  It has opened my eyes to why I want to homeschool, to why I feel blessed every single day I am here with them doing school.  It has opened my eyes to why I thank God each time I see a light bulb go off in their heads.   And it has opened my eyes to see that God had this all planned out a very long time ago.  My eyes are wide open!

We all three look forward to this week being over! 
We can't wait to sleep in.....even if sleeping in is 6:30!  We look forward to lazy days of not getting up and being hurried to eat breakfast....I know the boys are SO ready for that. I look forward to hanging out around the house all day without a time schedule. The boys look forward to being able to stay up a little later each night.  BTW we are already up to 9PM and if you know me you know that when 10:00PM comes my body starts going into sleep mode. Should be an interesting summer.
Just so many things that will change for a little while so we can have a break. 

It has gone by fast and I can not even believe I will soon be thinking about 1st grade curriculum!
For now I will enjoy my kindergarten boys and count down this week. 

**I thought I would share their pictures again from that first day.**

Sniff-Sniff......Kindergarten is almost over.


Heather E. said...

Precious! Congrats to all of you.

Jamie Boros said...

Wonderful memories!