Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fish-Part Two

Saturday was spent getting new rods and trying to get a bite.  Brant and the boys were down the road from our house fishing.  I decided I would take a ride and find them on the trail.  When I got there they had just made it to their spot.  The pictures above were right after Brant helped them cast. They went from sitting to standing and back and forth again. They were not ready to just be still and wait.  After not getting a bite for a while you can imagine how bored they were.  They quickly gave in and decided they would play around with tadpoles. Fishing was over for them.  I had a free pole so I grabbed one and caught two in row. The boys and me headed home and let Brant do some real fishing.

Fast forward to Sunday.............................

Matthew caught 2 and Ryan caught 5! 

The boys also caught the real fish fever!


championm2000 said...

YAY for real fish! Be that the boys have fish fever, they are going to want to go all the time!

Tasha said...

You are SO right!!! Day 1 it was almost 9PM and last night almost 8PM before they got home from fishing. They love being outdoors and being with their Daddy.