Thursday, May 19, 2011

Every night

I have shared this before on my blog a while back, but since then it has grown.  And it is Ryan now asking most of the questions.

Every night after I have kissed the boys goodnight and tucked them in the stall tactics begin. 
And it goes something like this......

Me: Goodnight Ryan, I love you.
Ryan: Goodnight momma, I love you too.
Ryan: Momma, any storms tonight?
Me: No.
Ryan: What if there is?
Me: I'll come get you.
Ryan: Any fireworks?
Me: No.
Ryan: Can I sleep with you?
Me: No, there is not enough room.
Ryan: Can you sleep with me?
Me: No.
Ryan: Can I stay up late?
Me: No.
Ryan: Can I watch TV?
Me: No.
Ryan: How many hours until morning?
Me:(depending on when they go to bed)10 hours.
Ryan: I have bad dreams.
Me: You'll be always are....go to sleep.
Ryan: Goodnight I love you.

On to the next room.......

Me: Goodnight Matthew, I love you.
Matthew: Goodnight I love you.
Matthew: Are there going to be any storms?
Me: No.
Matthew: Fireworks?
Me: No.
Matthew: Goodnight I love you.

I stand in the hallway by both rooms and tell them goodnight again.  I walk away and feel so beat down because of what I just went through again.  I am exhausted.......I go through this every single night! I am complaining inside and they feel happy and safe.  They are ready to go to sleep. 
It took me all of about 3 minutes or less to make them feel happy and safe before going to sleep.

Why am I complaining? This soon will past.  This season will be over before I know it.  They will no longer be my babies.

The other day I made a comment that I can't wait until they are tall enough to reach the garage door opener.  I said this as we were all walking in and I was carrying my purse, 2 bags, my water cup and other miscellaneous stuff from the car and trying to reach the garage door opener.  I quickly changed my mind and said no I don't want you to be that tall.  They ask why.  I told them that meant they would be older and then they wouldn't be my babies anymore.

Ryan says, "Yes we will Momma.  I am never leaving you.  I am going to live here forever and never get married."

Talk about my heart melting. 

Although I know that is not true I would love nothing more then to have them here forever. 

Tucking them in bed and answering every last question every night.


Anonymous said...

but doesn't it just make you smile when you read the dialogue? So cute and so different!

championm2000 said...

This is one of the sweetest posts ever--so real and so true.

I tell my husband I feel like our nightly routine is something out of the movie Groundhog's Day...we do it over and over and over. But, deep down, I know it's only for a short, short time.

Meagan Dennison said...

the bedtime routine is my least favorite thing about the day (well, the whole, after kisses/books part of the day)...but you are right, it will be gone soon and then I'll miss it!