Friday, May 20, 2011

A rainbow of colors

We are officially done with school!!!  Kindergarten is over!  We finished up yesterday.  Today we will celebrate with a little party.....just the teacher and her students.

Then this evening we will have a pizza party and celebrate with the principal.

This week we have been learning about the letter Y and the color yellow along with other colors.
The boys enjoyed making different colors using primary colors. We used water and food coloring to make green, orange and purple.  Green and orange were their favorites!

Yesterday we went outside and found all but one of the colors of the rainbow in nature.
Blue was the hardest to find.  It was a cloudy, gloomy looking day so not even the sky was blue.  So the picture of the blue flower is from nature, but not one we actually saw.  Makes me realize I need to add some blue to our yard. 

The theme for the week was...
              Thank you, God, for this beautiful world.

Colors of the rainbow: purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and red


It is amazing the colors God has given us.  We talked about how if everything in our world was in black and white.  I showed them pictures of just plain black and white items, nature, people, etc. 
We talked about how God could have made a world without so many beautiful colors. 
But He wanted us to enjoy the beauty of His creation.

After our outside activity we worked on a rainbow. This rainbow had to have a pot at the end, but not just any pot. And not a pot of gold.  The pot at the end of our rainbow is a pot of FUN!  And it is full of ideas the boys have for summer! 

So let the summer FUN begin!!!!!!  Not sure what we will do first, but I am sure we will keep busy. 

Hope you all have a great weekend.  Get outside and do something FUN!

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