Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ladybugs and Melons!!!

Ladybugs are just so CUTE(that IS the best word to describe them!!)! I love their colors.  And they do vary in color.  But my favorite is the red and black ladybug. Those colors always seem to remind me of ladybugs. Add a little white and you have the makings for a precious little girl outfit. Too bad I have boys and am way too old to be wearing a ladybug print......well maybe not.

For a few years now I have wanted ladybugs in our gardens. I have thought about ordering some to release in the gardens, but just never get around to it.  Ladybugs are beneficial for controlling pests in a garden.  They are the most popular and widely used beneficial insects for commercial and home use. They can consume up to 50 to 60 aphids per day but will also eat a variety of other insects and larvae including scales, mealy bugs, leaf hoppers, mites, and various types of soft-bodied insects.

So when I found ladybugs in our garden yesterday I was SO excited!!!!  They are all over the place, but love the tomato plants best.  I know it sounds silly, but it makes me happy to see them out there. They found our gardens!!!! Some cultures believe this a sign of good luck.  To bad I don't believe in good and bad luck.

While searching for ladybugs I came across some little melons growing.  Who doesn't love a red, ripe piece of melon.  We all know Ryan does......this photo is from last Summer.

Anyway I was excited to see these melons already growing in the gardens.  We all look forward to enjoying some garden fresh melons.  Last year they were personal size melons.  They seem to be growing faster this year so maybe we will have some bigger ones this summer.

Speaking of ladybugs and melons.......I just thought I was too old to wear a ladybug print, but that is just not so.  Check out these PJs.  I saw these last week and I had to have them! 
FYI-I have a confession............

I have a weakness for FUN PJs!!! OK that is wrong....for PJs in general!  I just LOVE them all!!!!!
But go nuts for prints that are FUN!

And these are FUN! Are these not the cutest PJs you have ever seen?!  Oh wait I have nine other pair, but I still think these might be the cutest!  Plus these scream SUMMER!!!!!  And are probably my favorite right now!

I can't wait to sit in the gardens with my PJs on around all the ladybugs and melons!


championm2000 said...

Your post just screams of summer! And I love summer!

Thanks for the morning smile.

Meagan Dennison said...

you crack me up! We planted watermelon this year also, but we started kind of late, so it will probably be awhile before they grow. I have spotted several tomatoes, and I couldn't be more excited! Fresh, homegrown tomatoes are THE BEST!

Anonymous said...

I share your LOVE of ♥LaDy BuGs♥ they are so very cute. How nice of them to come to your garden:) The tall grass near our raspberries is crawling with them right now. I went out and gathered some up to take to my Primary Class at church. We were learning about the lady bug this last week. So awesome to be able to take the "real thing" for them to enjoy!
Smiles, Kelsey

Tasha said...

I am happy to make people smile! And Meagan, I crack myself up!! I am just a silly little girl at heart. :)

Janet said...

I don't think it's silly at all to be excited over ladybugs! I totally get it! I get excited when I see them also. They really do scream Summer! (as do the pj's and I like them to!)

Jamie Boros said...

I am total fun PJ nut too! So much fun! I am enjoying watching your garden grow! It is time to start planting here and I'm begging my Dad to make me some boxes for my patio!

Anonymous said...

I have a night gown in the same print!!