Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Planning ahead for long days

This is only our first week out of school and I can tell already it is going to be a long summer!  The boys are so use to structure I can see I will have to set something in place during our off months. I was going to give us a break, but am now thinking twice about that.  Of course anything we do this summer will be much more relaxed and laid back.

Matthew must constantly be working with his hands.  From Friday to yesterday the amount of paper that was used makes me cringe.  Paper to cut, color and draw.  He must always be doing something. He must always be creating. 
Meanwhile Ryan is content to play.  He is content to learn about life.

Thus comes the bribing.  Think what you will, but I need structure too.  And need these boys to do more than just play and fight. When they are bored the fighting begins.  Ryan is the ornery one.  And delights in getting on Matthew's nerves.  Then Matthew delights in hitting, kicking, pulling, screaming, destroying something Ryan has built, etc.  And sometimes Matthew will also get on Ryan's nerves.

So last night I propsed an idea to them.  I said that if they learn to read a set of books(very early readers)they will be rewarded.  Matthew jumped and started reading one of the books. Literally as soon as I said it. Ryan never looked up until I mentioned reward and then went back to looking at another book for fun.

We'll go today to get supplies to make a poster to show their progress.  My hope in all this is that Ryan will want to learn!  There are 12 books.  Matthew wanted to learn to read ALL of them TODAY!  That will not be happening.  Trying to teach two to read at the same time is enough to make me cry.  Especially when one is ready to breeze through all the books and the other just has not got it yet.

We will work on two books a day.  It may take ALL day long......off and on all day long.  I told them we are not in a hurry to do this.  We have all summer long.  And I know things will come up so this is not a set schedule, but more something to have in place when they are bored. 

We'll also start a phonics computer program that I plan to have them do twice a week.  This will surely help with their learning reading the books.

So my s l o w, easy days are far and few between, but it might just be better this way. 

Have any other ideas for FUN relaxed, learning during the summer months?  Send them my way. 
Right now I am planning ahead for long days.

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