Monday, May 23, 2011

Two Minutes in the life.......

I have gone back and forth about posting this, but my gut keeps saying to put it out there.  It keeps saying to show others what is happening to our children.  What is happening after being vaccinated.  I have friends with children and learn often about others and what is happening to their children. There is much debate over this I know, but there is much they are not telling us.  I want to share an article about a little boy who suffers from Autism. His mother tells the story and you will learn what she has to deal with.

We stopped vaccinating the boys a while back.  I often wonder what harm we "could" have done. It makes me wonder if Matthew's inability to handle his feelings and anger are a result.
I just wonder.........
These are sometimes very disturbing fits that cause him much distress. You can see he has no ability to know how to handle his feelings.  It is nothing new.....these have been around since he was about 2 years old. Yes, I know you are saying that is completely normal for kids to throw a fit.  These are different and full of rage that a little boy should not have.
We don't make a big deal out of them and try our best to help him deal with it. I just wonder......
It saddens me to think that they were just days old and we allowed injections into their tiny little bodies.  Bodies that God so lovingly and graciously gave us.  Perfect little bodies created by our Heavenly Father.
We have never done any testing or evaluations to find out, but he does have problems dealing with certain situations.  Only God knows what is going on in his sweet little head.

I will warn you that there is some very strong language in this article.  If you know me and have followed my blog for any length of time, you know I do NOT talk this way, and I felt you could over look the bad words and try to understand what this mother goes through in two minutes with her autistic son.

Two minutes—just two minutes!—in a day with an autistic child. You'll forever be grateful for a simple temper tantrum.

After reading the article I am grateful that I can console Matthew and somehow calm him down when he is throwing a temper tantrum.
Click on the link below to read the article and again disregard the strong language. 

Two minutes


championm2000 said...

Thanks for taking the time to post a thought-provoking article. The decision to vaccinate (or not) has been with which we have also struggled.

Heather E said...

Tasha- I think it is great that you take time to post this thought-provoking information. I know that this is a long-time debate. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to make these decisions, and not wonder if you've made the 'right' one. As long as we take these things to God, we have to hope and pray that He is giving us the wisdom that we are asking Him for. I hope that there is comfort for you in that along with the knowledge that you are doing the best you know how (I'm certain of that). . .

Janet said...

Tasha, thanks so much for posting this. It is definitely thought provoking. I shared the link with a friend whose child has autism. People just have no idea what parents of special needs kids go through unless they have been in their shoes! Again, thanks for posting!