Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thankful Thursday

The entire family is sick!  It is nothing major just a nasty cold. BUT I think everyone is feeling better today.....thank God we are on the mend! 

Feel better please!

I am thankful for all the over-the-counter meds we can all take that help us feel a little better.
And of course what I am most thankful for is that I am a stay at home momma that can be here with her sweet boys.  To comfort them, hold them and take naps with them when they feel bad.

What are you thankful for today?

1 comment:

championm2000 said...

Glad to hear everyone is on the mend, and extra glad to hear you were able to be there for the boys!

Today I am thankful for the way my babies make me laugh. You inspired me to post about it :-)