Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Little Things That Make Me Stupid Excited!

Megan over at Twinsomnia is doing her monthly "Little Things That Make Me Stupid Excited"!!! 
I found out about it thanks to another blog I follow,  MaMe Musings .  I'll admit I wasn't so sure about the "stupid" part, but when I get excited about certain things.....well I can be annoying, silly, get on your nerves.....stupid.  It is a word I don't like the boys to use, but it looked like so much fun I just had to join in. I hope I remember it for June because I am sure I will have new Little Things That Make Me Stupid Excited by then. 
So without further ado here are the seven things that are making me stupid excited for the month of May.


Wedge heels!! Regardless of how much I spend.....$20 or $100(haven't done that in about 6 years!)when I get a new pair of shoes I am excited.  But right now these are what I am stupid excited about!!! 


A new recipe!!  When I make something with my hands and it taste good I get really excited and want to share it with the world. 
My most recent discovery(courtesy of my SIL), Cranberry Scones......DELISH!!!!


A little color on my skin.  I am super pale, but tan easily.  After a long, white winter once I get that first bit of color, which I did last weekend, I get super excited!  The sun becomes addictive to me. My arms, shoulders and back get plenty of sun.  BUT running around after twin boys does not leave me much time to "lay out" for my legs to get tan.   My legs need help every summer!!! 
So that is when I use Xen-Tan.  This IS THE best self tanning lotion I have ever used.   It gives me a natural color and the smell does not make me sick.  I am very sensitive to smells and get migraine very easily.  Not with Xen-Tan.   So come warmer months I get stupid excited about getting a tan with Xen-Tan.

Transform Luxe


Our gardens.  Many can vouch at how excited I get over nature.  I just can't help it.  I go out daily to check all the beds and see what has happened overnight.  I love to see all the new growth.  Food out of the garden just taste better!  I get STUPID EXCITED when it comes to nature!!!!!


Cheap Groovy, bug eyed sunglasses with an animal print.  I am notorious for breaking sunglasses so each Spring and Summer I get to have a new style.  Here is this season's style.  Lets see if I can make it through summer with the same ones.


The picture says it all!


Last, but certainly not least and my favorite of all my "Little Things That Make Me Stupid Excited".....embellished tops.  Specifically RUFFLES!!!!!  So feminine and soft. 

And that is my list for May!!! What makes you stupid excited?


championm2000 said...

I am *stupid* excited about your

All great things...cute shoes, yummy food, sun-kissed skin, and oh, cute sun glasses and tops!

And, those ice-pops take me right back to summers as a kid :-)

tiffiny said...

I loooooove bug eye glasses too! And Peep toe flats :)

What a happy post!

Tasha said...

Thanks ladies!!! I look forward to doing it again in June. My thoughts and taste change so often it will be fun to see what I am stupid excited about it in June!

Jamie Boros said...

The picture of you with the sunglasses is super cute!

Heidi Ferrer said...

I love your sunglasses! Cute!

Megan said...

I LOVE those shoes AND those sunglasses!!!! Thanks for joining in this month. It made me *stupid* excited to see your list!!! ;-)

Blissful & Domestic said...

I love the sunglasses. I have ones that are similar and my hubby always calls them my bug eyes:>