Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Wikipedia gives this definition of tranquility:
Tranquility is the quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; serenity.
Tranquil means being free from commotion, free from anxiety, tension, or restlessness. 

When we had to travel back home for my grandmother's funeral we had the pleasure of visiting a botanical garden right in my home town, Shangri La Botanical Gardens and nature Center.
Shangri La  was a forbidden place when I was growing up.  It was a secret place behind fences and not open to the public.  I can remember driving past it many, many times as a young girl and teenager wondering what was behind the fence.

After many years of being closed to the public it reopened.  So now when we go home I always make a special effort to go and see what I missed all those years.

To me these pictures softly whisper........tranquility.  Hope you are free from tension and restlessness as you see what I consider tranquility.  Happy Tuesday!

To read about Shangri La's history visit their website and go to "About Shangri La" and then click on the "Past" tab.



Renee Fontenot said...

It is amazing how beautiful a swamp can be. Everyone in my family loves Shangri La.
I'm thinking about cranberry scones this fine cool morning!

Janet said...

Tasha, I truly needed to see this "tranquility" tonight. Seen too much ugliness the past several days.
Thanks for sharing these pictures, and please know I have been thinking of you as you deal with your grandmothers death.