Thursday, June 9, 2011

Attempt at The Sassy Side Bun

Right now I am trying to let my hair grow out.  Right now I am going through some funky stages as my bangs and layers are growing out.  Right now I am frustrated with my hair!!
And right now I am trying to find new ways to wear it.  I am a Mom, but still like to look somewhat put together when I am out and about.

My blogger friend Danielle over at Blissful and Domestic is having a week of posts dedicated to HAIR! Hair Week! She has some great guest bloggers sharing their hair style ideas, things to wear in your hair and hair tips.

Last week leading up to Hair Week she did a post showing this little sassy side bun.  I so wanted to try it, but didn't think my hair was long enough.  After buying a headband and bobby pins and trying it over and over again I think I've got it! Well almost.

Now first let me ask you a question.  Have you ever seen that woman with her hair pulled up and it looked a little messy, but GREAT?  Maybe some pieces were hanging down, but it still looked good on her?  I know I have too!  That is what this style looks like to me.  And since my hair is growing out I certainly have those strands hanging down, but I am going to go with it.  And my bun.....well I am working on that too.

I took a few pictures to show you, but I must say, this could be a little neater, but I was so excited I got this close to the Sassy Side Bun I had to share.  But make sure you go see Danielle's version.  Her hair is a little longer than mine so it works much better.

The things I do to blog!
I am going to love this for Summer!  And those in between hair washings.
I wash my hair every other day. Sometimes less.  I can promise you this will be a new way to "fix" my hair.  And will be nice to have it up during this HOT weather.

Now go check out The Sassy Side Bun and the rest of Hair Week!


Renee, Lindsey, and Lauren Fontenot said...

Your hair looks good up.

Tasha said...

Thanks! It sure feel better up when I am out and running after the boys.

Anonymous said...

CuTe ♥ I should try this! I always wear my hair down, but this is really cute...

Blissful & Domestic said...

I love it Tasha! You did such a great job! And once your hair grows out a little more you will get more of a bun. It is a perfect hair style for hair growing out, hair you don't feel like doing, let alone brushing :> (not that I would ever not brush my hair) ha ha! I love your blog and you are such a cute blogger friend:> And thanks for the shout out:>