Wednesday, June 1, 2011

National Scoliosis Awareness Month

June is National Scoliosis Awareness Month.  In honor of that the boys are asking for your help to raise awareness.  Check it out.

Today they were playing hospital....Texas Scottish Rite Hospital.  They had all three of Ryan's braces and were pretending to fit their stuffed animals with a brace for scoliosis.  And then the video came to life.

Please do not hesitate to send me a private message or leave me a comment if you want more information about Infantile Scoliosis.  Check on the tab here on the right "Infantile Scoliosis".  There you will find lots of posts about dealing with Ryan's scoliosis and stories of other children who also suffer from Infantile Scoliosis.

And you can always go to for more info.


Renee Fontenot said...

As a home-schooler with a daughter who was diagnosed with scoliosis at 13, I would encourage all home-schoolers to not overlook having young adolescents screened for scoliosis.

tiffiny said...

Oh my! They are the cutest!

Heidi Ferrer said...

Good job boys!