Friday, August 5, 2011

It's sizzling HOT!

It is sizzling HOT around here these days!!!!  We have hit some record highs that are crazy!!!  
And while we are talking about things that are HOT someone thinks my blog is on fire!!!!

Thank you Melissa of MaMe Musings for awarding my blog the BLOG ON FIRE award!!!
I am truly flattered.

I love Melissa's blog and was so thrilled to get this award from her.  You made my day. 

Melissa and I have something in common.  She and I are the proud Mommas of TWINS!  You must visit her her blog and see her sweet babies.  I love reading her blog and hearing all the stories about her babies as they grow.  It takes me back to those younger years with the boys.

Now on to some FUN!!!!!!

The reward requires I tell you 7 things about myself that you may/may not know.  So here we go.....

1. I do not like to cook anymore, but LOVE to make yummy treats, snacks and desserts!

2. I do not watch TV. OK if you count falling asleep with the news entertainment on then I guess I do.

3. I save money in our grocery bill by not buying meat.  We have meat for supper maybe 2-3 times a week.

4. I think boys are GROSS! 

5. I am very frugal, but do splurge on make-up, skin care products and my hair. Anything else I buy is super cheap!! Or I find a really good sale!

6. I do not believe in good or bad luck.....I believe in God's will.

7. I LOVE to dance!!!    

The second part of accepting the award is passing it on to 10 5(#8 on things about myself you may/may not know...I can't follow directions)other "Blogs On Fire."
I have my old favorites of course, but have run across some new ones I am loving to explore!
Make sure to check all these blogs out!!!!!

Come back later for a FUN Friday post!!!


championm2000 said... #8! I have the same problem.

Can't wait to check out the new blogs!

Amanda @ The Little Giggler said...

You're so sweet to think of me! Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the LoVE ♥ It was fun browsing your new blogs!!!

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Thanks for the link! Hope you get some cooler weather soon.