Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pumpkin Spice Latte-from the archives

Sorry Starbucks!

You have to give this a try.  I posted the recipe for this cup of frothy goodness last October.  Yesterday I was in the mood for one and had thoughts of running up to Starbucks.
Then it hit me..I would pay anywhere from $3-5 for a cup of everything I had right here in my own home.  And I know how to make it!!!

So I made me a homemade pumpkin spice latte!  And it was good!!!  It may take a few steps to make it and sure it is a little work, but there is just something about homemade.

Things I did different this time:
-I used Pumpkin Spice Coffee
-had homemade whipped topping
-added a tad more sugar to the recipe

You can find the recipe here .

Enjoy your pumpkin today!!!!!

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