Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Guest Post-Blissful and Domestic

I am happy to tell you I have a guest post today!  I had mentioned a week ago I was hoping Danielle would be sharing something soon.  And today is the day!  If you have never visited her blog you need to check it out.  Friends, meet Danielle.

 Hello Lovelies! I am so excited to be here at One Day at a Time! I am a follower of all of Tasha's cuteness! Isn't she just wonderful? She is one of my Blogging Besties and I am excited to be here today!


Before I get started...let me introduce myself. I am Danielle and my home is over at Blissful and Domestic. I love to blog about sewing, crafts, recipes,home-school, etc. Basically anything that allows me to use my creative gene. I love thrift stores and re-purposing, which is mainly what you will see from me. I love taking some one's cast offs and make them into something fantastic. So in a nutshell I am a crafting Mom, who loves to blog and share with all my blogging friends.

Today I am taking a break from sewing and I am going into the kitchen.

I found a recipe for Pumpkin chili in the Smith's add.
Well I decided to build upon that recipe and make it my own.
So let's get our crockpots out and lets make some Pumpkin Turkey Chili.



Here is what you will need:


 2 cans kidney beans (undrained)
1 can tomato sauce
1 can diced tomatoes
minced garlic (I used the jar ones)
2 cups of pumpkin
1 lb. ground beef
1 green pepper
salt & pepper
chili powder

Here is What you do:

Begin browning your turkey in a pan.
I like to add Lawry's and minced onions to my meat.


Once your meat is cooked, add all ingredients to the crock pot.


Don't forget to dice up your green peppers.


and sprinkle generously with chili powder, pepper, and salt.
We like our chili spicy!


Let sit and "Get Happy" as my dad would put it for about 4 hours.

Serve with some corn bread and top it with cheese and sour cream.

I hope you all get a chance to try out this recipe.
Stop by and tell me how you and your family liked it.

Blissful and Domestic

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championm2000 said...

It's chili weather here, and we are about to make our first pot of the season. I love this variation and will definitely be putting it in the mix.

Thanks for sharing!

Blissful & Domestic said...

Thanks so much for letting me be a guest Tasha! It is always so much fun!