Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pine Cone Owl

I know I have been going crazy lately with the crafts, but it sure is fun to create!! And I have a son who loves to help me with any craft!! I get pleasure out of both. Creating and having Matthew help me out. And it sure makes him happy too.....he lives to create.

Plus nature is full of things we can use for crafts!!!

I put the word out on Facebook I was looking for pine cones. I had a friend gracious enough to bring me a BIG bag. I wanted them to use during the holidays, but came across this cute owl craft. Once the boys saw it they insisted we make one.

Some many crafts I see online end up going straight into the trash! Thankfully I never try my hand at anything that costs much.

And this little owl cost me very little money.

Supplies and cost:
pine cones-FREE from a friend's yard
felt-4 for $1 at Hobby Lobby
wiggle eyes-99cents at Hobby Lobby
feathers-already had in my stash

Easy for children to make and the boys LOVE owls. Especially since we learned more about the Great Horned Owl back in the spring on a nature walk .

Crafting with nature is fun and perfect for this frugal gal! Now get outside and find something to do a craft with! And have some FUN while your at it!

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