Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November Smiles

It's NOVEMBER!!!!!!  Can you believe it?!?!
I love this month!  I am thinking about all the FUN things that will be going on.
The BIG feast, visiting family, planning for the holidays and oh so much more!!! But right now there are a few things that have me smiling ear to ear.

Lets start with some beauty products!!! FUN!!!
This stuff is amazing!!! Straight SEXY Hair-Smooth and Protect.

I will warn though, be careful not to use too much! It will make your hair SUPER flat and greasy!  And not so sexy :)
If you use a flat iron as much as I do this stuff is a must have!  BUT like I said be careful and not use too much.  You want to get rid of frizz not have flat hair! I spray sections of my hair with this and then use the flat iron.  Or use the flat iron, then lightly spray the top layer of my hair and flat iron again for a finished look.  It smells good too!

And my next smile is .....Lash Love mascara by Mary Kay.
I am a Clinique girl for my base and powder.  And I am usually pretty frugal with everything else...... mascara, blush, eye shadow, eyeliner, lipstick, etc.  Unless I come across something like this. 
I! LOVE! Lash Love mascara.
It is $15. That is only about $8 more than what I would usually spend on mascara. But I don't wear makeup everyday so all my makeup tends to last a long time. I have been using it for about a month so I can honestly say it was worth every penny.  One coat and I am done!

Smile # 3.....Lipstick.  I have all kinds of allergies and one is wearing lipstick.  There is something in most brands that as soon as I put it on my throat starts hurting.  Weird, I know.  Anyway I recently found this product at Target.   Boots-The Power of Plants Botantics.  It is all organic and I taste nothing.  I don't get that throat thingy going on either.  I wear the Almond color.....this picture below is Chicory.

For less than $10 I can get an organic lipstick that I can buy when I am grocery shopping.

And smile #4....this is my favorite smile for November.  And they are simple and sweet! 

Jeans, flats and boots. 

Since it is much cooler these days I am living in jeans, boots and flats! 

 Shoes make me SMILE!!!!

And for my last smile.....it is one that will continue to make me smile until they are all gone. Colors in nature!!!!!  With the changing season I love the cooler weather, nice days outdoors, but the colors are what make me sit back and smile.

Just yesterday I caught a glimpse of some changes in our oak trees. These are small changes....it is a tease of color. But before long the whole yard and yards around us will be a display of God's miraculous gift of nature.  I love going out daily to see the changes that have occurred.  These are the days to sit outdoors and enjoy this season.  And before long to sit and watch the leaves fall.

 It now feels like Autumn!  Happy November!  

What has you smiling these days?


Anonymous said...

CuTe flats!!!

championm2000 said...

All good stuff! I love Boots products from Target!

Honestly, I am smiling most about the way the babies are picking up words on a daily basis. It's like magic. I love to hear them repeat words!

Blissful & Domestic said...

fabulous shoes. Love the boots:> They would make me smile too!