Monday, November 14, 2011

Thanksgiving Tradition-From the archives....5 kernels of corn

Are you looking for a Thanksgiving tradition to start this year? 

I am pulling this one from the archives.  We have done it a few times here at our home and last year had Thanksgiving at my parents' home.  They were happy for us to bring the tradition and share at their home on Thanksgiving day.

 To learn more about the 5 kernels of corn go here .


Meagan Dennison said...

We always start with 5 kernels of corn. Have you read the poem?? It's so so good!!!

championm2000 said...

Sharing this one with my sister now!


Michelle {Fun On A Dime} said...

I remember doing this when I was little for Thanksgiving at my grandparents house! So fun! I would love it if you could share your post over at our Family Challenge Thanks!