Saturday, January 14, 2012

A hike, a bike ride and the park

Yesterday we had intended on taking a much needed hike.  We love getting out away from everything and observing nature.  We really enjoy those times. 

Well yesterday we headed to a place that was in the heart of the city.  That should have been our first hint not to go.  But we are open for anything outdoors. 

It was not the kinda hike we were looking for.  In the heart of the city meant you could see highways all around you. And of course you could hear the traffic from the highways all around you. 

Now don't get me wrong I think it is wonderful that this area was bought by the city.  Their website says...

To promote the conservation and restoration of Tandy Hills Natural Area (THNA) as a rare remaining example of native prairie that was indigenous to most of the Fort Worth area.
To facilitate use of THNA as an education and recreation resource for experiencing and understanding the natural environment of predevelopment Fort Worth.
To increase awareness of the importance of protecting and preserving natural areas through the annual Fort Worth Prairie Fest and other activities.

So I am not totally bashing Tandy Hills Natural Area. I am sure it is a great learning tool for many children.  And at certain times is a beautiful place. With 160 acres there to roam I know nature blooms and is breath taking....if you love nature of all kinds.
In fact it might be nice to go back in the spring.  It was not so nice yesterday. Not for a winter hike. 

And it was nothing like this winter hike!

So we quickly left.  Seriously we were there for maybe 20 minutes.  The boys were bummed!!!  Almost in tears.  We needed to be out of the house.  We needed some sunshine! 

So we drove home, aired up the tires on the bikes and off we went!  Ahhhh, the cool air hitting our faces, the sun kisses our noses, oh and the pull of muscles that have not been used for some time.
But as me and Matthew(we are always in the back)rode we both decided it felt good!  A good feeling of pulling those muscles!

We were headed to the park.  There are many parks throughout our neighborhood along the trails.  We stopped at two.

Our final destination.....the big park. We stayed for about 30 minutes.  It was just what these little boys needed.  They ran and chased each other.  They laughed and giggled. They were CrAzY SiLLy!  They were having a good time!!! 

There is something about being outdoors that rejuvenates your soul.  Lifts your spirits. It made all the troubles of this past week seems like a long time ago.

We are in store for mild weather the next two weeks.  I think that means more time outdoors. 

Maybe more hikes, bike rides and park days!!!!!

Happy Saturday! 

1 comment:

championm2000 said...

Get all that pent-up energy out! When it finally warms up enough here to go outside, we're going to need a really long visit to the park!

Hope you are having a great weekend!