Friday, January 13, 2012

Time for a hike!

We will complete our second week back in school today!!!  It seems like it has been our second month. 
After the long break from the holidays it was a little hard to get back into the routine.  BUT we did it!!

The days have been CrAzY and the weather has been cold.  There have been a few days here in there for the boys to get outside, but for the most part we have been stuck inside.

Not today!  It is time for a hike!!!  A much needed time outdoors.  Not just in our backyard either. 

So after school today we plan to make this a FUN Friday!!! 

The weather is suppose to warm up to the 50s and it will be SUNNY!  Perfect weather for a hike!

Fall 2011

What do you have planned for your Friday?  Get outside and have some FUN!!!!


Anonymous said...

It's been really cold here too and we're supposed to get some snow early next week ♥ I need to get outside and get some exercise for sure!!! It's so much easier just to stay in by the cozy fire...

Blissful & Domestic said...

It is always hard for us after Christmas break too:)