Saturday, January 28, 2012

Simple birthday celebration

Yesterday we celebrated Brant's 44th birthday. 

In keeping with my desires for this year we kept it simple. 

As soon as the boys woke up they remembered the BIG card they had made Daddy the night before.  They ask Daddy to cover his eyes and we brought out this card.

They were so excited to give their Daddy his BIG card!!!  We hung it right in front of his office.
And then they had to make regular sized cards.  While Daddy went fishing the boys made him fishing cards.  Brant and I buy each other cards, but make a point to not waste money on cards from the boys.  Simply because they enjoy making them, they cost too much and we love seeing what they come up with.  Bonus: it is another way to live simple.
The birthday continued with sports, pizza and a good beer.  As I prepared the pizza Brant and the boys played Wii.  Not only did the birthday boy go fishing on his bday he also got to play golf!

Later my sister and BIL came over for cake and ice cream. If you missed my post about the cake search my blog for Chocolate Sheet Cake!  It is SO SIMPLE to make and oh so YUMMY!!! With almost 4 sticks of butter and over a pound of sugar it must be good!!!!

It was a simple birthday celebration, but it was just what we enjoy.


championm2000 said...

Happy birthday, Brant!

Blissful & Domestic said...

Sounds so fun. Happy birthday to your hubby!