Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thankful Thursday-Rain Barrels

We started getting rain late in the day on Tuesday. It rained all night and part of the day Wednesday. It is Thursday morning and it is raining again.  As of last night we had received 4 1/2 inches.of rain.

It is the perfect time to test the rain barrels.

Brant has been wanting to do this for a while and a few weeks back he got them all set up.  He had a minor set back with a leak, but they are all fixed up now and taking in the rain......I pray.  We'll check later.

We did not buy the barrels as rain barrels.  Brant bought the barrels off Craigslist, added parts here and there...basically did his handy work.  I hope once we know they are working well he will do a guest post explaining what he did for anyone interested.
For now take a look at the pictures....I think they explain it all.

We will then use this water for our gardens.  Fresh, FREE rain water from God!
By the way we had record rainfall yesterday.  It is nice to finally have our lakes receive some much needed water.

It is killing the boys to not go out and jump in the puddles and mud.  Too cold I think, but you never know when I might cave! 

This last picture shows where we can connect a garden hose in order to water the gardens. It will be so nice to have this water for our gardens in the spring!

I'll post soon to tell you how the barrels are working.

I am thankful today for RAIN, a very handy husband and being indoors!

Happy Thursday!