Friday, February 10, 2012

Heart T-shirt

I saw this on another blog that saw it on Disney Family Fun.  I thought it was SO cute, but without a little girl to make one for I was a little bummed.
Oh wait!!  I am a girl....not a young girl, but with 2 almost seven year old boys I'll do anything to try to make me feel young.

So why can't a 44 year old woman wear a heart shirt?!  I mean I'll only wear it one day. 

I was not about to go out and buy a new shirt AND the supplies for this craft project so I used an old tshirt........repurposing is so great!

But looking back now I could have gone to Target and bought a cheesy $5 Valentine shirt and it would have been cheaper than my supplies!!!! 

The instructions tell you to use a foam stencil brush like this.
You will be fine(I think)using a regular foam brush.  Foam brush 50cents.....foam stencil brush in value pack of ten $4.47(I found them at Walmart).  Not sure why they would not sell just one, but I am sure I will use them regardless.  I should have listened to my husband and went to Hobby Lobby. 

I am always up for a fun, simple craft and this is one of them.  And FYI this is easy enough for little girls to do!  I am sure they would love making their own shirt.  And adding another heart would be cute!  A white tshirt with red, pink and purple hearts would be precious!

You can go here to find the directions.

It is not too late to make your little girl(or yourself)a heart shirt! 

Happy Friday y'all!  Get outside and have some FUN!!!!!!  Or attend a Valentine Party indoors if it is too cold and wet to be outside. 

1 comment:

Blissful & Domestic said...

I saw this in family fun!! Yours came out great!!