Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Oh, the THINKS you Can Think!

Welcome to day 3 of our Dr. Seuss week!!! Today we are going to be doing some serious thinking!

You can think about purple.
You can think about pink
You can think up a unicorn.
Oh , the THINKS you can think!

This book is wonderful for those little ones who like to pretend.  Or make up those funny stories.  
One of my favorite pages in the book is where it says this...........
What a great book to allow your child's imagination to go WILD!!!  And that is juts what I set out to do!!!

After we read the book I had the boys to THINK.  As quick as they could I made them think up a story.  Before I ever even finished telling them what they would do, Matthew already had his story his mind.  Ryan was not down with this AT ALL! So I typed up Matthew's story and told Ryan he would have to think of something before the day is over. 
Maybe I will share their stories soon.

Next we continued on the thinking part.  I ask them what they would do if Thing One and Thing Two came to their house.
Go here for the printout above.  The link also shows making a Thing 1 and Thing 2 with hand prints and google eyes.....very cute for little ones.  We just decided not to do it. 

This was fun for the boys to imagine what those CrAzY twins would do if they came to their house since they are twins also.  And pretty cRaZy too! 
Matthew said he would ask them to play Wii.  I was not surprised.
Ryan said he would ask them to go to the park. 

After the Thing 1 and Thing 2 writing assignment I had a special treat for the boys.  I have been going nuts to do this since I first found it last week.  Such a FUN way to share Thing 1 and Thing 2.
Check it out!

It called for red velvet cupcakes(store bought...sorry not homemade)in red wrappers.  But I could not find a red velvet mix or red wrappers!!!  So I did strawberry cupcakes.  But since strawberry is more pink then red I wrapped the cupcake with red construction paper.  It worked just fine.  Add white icing(which you can not see)and blue cotton candy on top for the hair.  WARNING: if you are doing this for a party do not add the cotton candy until right before you decide to eat the cupcakes.  The cotton candy after so long turns to pure sugar and falls into a big mess.  Still eatable, but not so cute. Sorry I don't have a picture of it, but just trust me on this one. 
The boys thought these were a HOOT!!!  They are pretty cute!!  I found the idea here .

I loved this FUN day in our Dr. Seuss week.  I love to hear what my boys Think up.  And I love to see their little minds going WILD with fun thoughts.  Grab the book and get your little ones THINKING!!!  If you have never read it I insist you buy it, check it out or borrow from a friend.  It will make for a fun time THINKING!!!!  And add the Thing 1 and Thing 2 cupcakes in for fun with the above sheet.  Just make it FUN!!!!

Hope you have a WACKY Wednesday and make sure to come back tomorrow to see all the amazing FUN we will have with The Lorax!!!  You don't want to miss it!!!!

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