Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Green Eggs and Ham

Welcome to day 2 of our Dr. Seuss week!! 

I didn't want to do it.  I really did not.
I did not want to eat green eggs and snot.
(funny? It sure makes me laugh!!!!!)

I have been rhyming like cRaZy!! It's FUN!  I have always loved making up rhymes, but not so much Dr. Seuss style.  I am running out of words. 

Now on to our lesson FUN for today!
I really did not want to do the Green Eggs and Ham book, but really who doesn't love green eggs and ham....the book?  It is just funny to think about eating GREEN eggs and ham.  And the boys like it so that did it. 
Green Eggs and Ham it was!

For our Green Eggs and Ham day I decided to do a few things:
-green eggs and bacon
-green foods we like and dislike
-a Sam-I-am coloring page(you can find it here )
-egg-nose roll

Brant was off, but not the least bit interested in sticking around for green eggs and ham fun!  But the boys were.  I was not sure they would go for it, but I was pleasantly surprised they did!  And really it is against everything I have been teaching them since I became wise to the JUNK that is in food.  For the longest I have been telling them NO we can not have that, it has poison dye in it.  And here I go dying eggs and bacon.  Oh well, it can't be any worse than the Coke they had yesterday.

So I cooked up some GREEN eggs and bacon!
After breakfast we read the book which just kills me.  I will be speaking in rhymes all day long!!!!!
And then the egg/nose roll.  They could hardly wait!!!!  And this was SO MUCH FUN for them!!  We played this for a while.  Back and forth across the carpet and back and forth again.  And MOM, you have to do it too, they said!  So I did!  And yes I have a picture to prove it.  Not a good one since my photographer is a bad picture taker, but I have the proof. 

 Children love it when their parents join in on the FUN!  I could not disappoint them.

After the egg roll we sat and discussed GREEN foods.  Their list was about even with likes and dislikes and one maybe that they have not tried.  I had NO dislikes with green food. 

Green Eggs and Ham turned about to be more fun then I thought it would.  There are tons of ideas out there on the web.

I did not do this food craft, but wanted to make sure to pass it on to you.  Found it by googling green eggs and ham.
 You can find the instructions(if you need them)here .  So cute!!!  I may make this just for fun!

Hope you are having FUN with us this week.  I would love to hear from you!!!!  Check back tomorrow for more Dr. Seuss FUN!!!!  Happy Tuesday!!!

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